Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog #1

My end of the term project also known as the Research Project/Paper will be about one of the greatest presidents of all time in American History.

I have chosen to study the whole life history of the sixteenth president Abraham Lincoln.

I chose to write about Abraham Lincoln because even though we know that he was a great US President until his assassination in 1863, I would like to know more about him like how he was when he was a kid and what was he like before becoming the sixteenth president of the United States.

I want to know everything that is possible about him in the fact so that I can get a clearer and well deserved picture or understanding of him.

The research will most likely be web articles and several books from the library about his life from a boy until his death. 

I currently have no research questions about Abraham Lincoln but I’m hoping that after digging around in his life and finding things out about him that it will raise several new questions that I didn’t know before about him and one of them or many of them can become my research questions.

Abraham Lincoln was a great man perhaps but I only know of what they taught us in elementary school from those outdated textbooks. 

After this research I will hopefully be able to see a clearer picture of who’s the man that was Abraham Lincoln.  

I also chose this topic of doing Abraham Lincoln because I think it would completely shock everyone when they hear that I’m doing my research paper on none other than the sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln. 

Abraham Lincoln was known for being an honest man but I would like to know if that was really true or did it just somehow get placed on him like a collar is placed on a dog. 

Tariq Mohamed


  1. Sounds good to me ;] maybe you should write somthing about his private life. Most ofthe people knows what he did as a president so I think is more interesting to write about private life. good luck!

  2. This is a very interesting idea to me. I mean all politicians in the old days kept their private lives out of the public eye. Its also true we know nothing about the 16th president aside from his role in the civil war, the freeing of slaves, and anything else we learned in the textbooks in school, which clearly was not much.
    I'd love to hear about abe's childhood and teenage years, was he rebellious or did he just do as he was told? What did he want to be when he grew up? Kids change their answers everyday. Heck, I still do. Did he like school? What was his favorite color? These are some silly questions, but hopefully they might give you some ideas.
    I'll be here to help...just ask.

  3. The New York Historical Society had an amazing exhibit on Abraham Lincoln that ended in March. I had the opportunity to go for a paper I did for my Sociology class. I really wish the exhibit was still open because it would’ve been great for you to visit. Luckily the museum keeps a record of past exhibits online. Here is the link: http://www.lincolnandnewyork.org/. It has lots of information and images from the exhibit, as well as other resources you may find useful for your paper.
    Good luck with your research! I hope you find him as interesting as he did.

  4. Thanks everyone for your helpful words of encouragement and I know that this topic I chose will not be an easy one but I wanted to mystify and amaze you all. lol

  5. Hello Tariq this seems like a good topic to talk about. I think you will have fun writing this paper because aside from the things you already know, you can dig deeper and im sure you will find some interesting facts about him. one of the questions I wanted to ask you if why did you chose Abraham Lincoln out of all the other presidents? What about him catches your attention? Also, as Joanna mentioned, maybe writing about his personal life would be a great idea because it would be something new for your readers. You mentioned that your research info will be based on web articles and library books but, can you be more specific? Perhaps you can look at some books about his autobiography. Good luck on your paper!

  6. Hi Tariq! Can't wait to read it - What will you argue for/against? Start there, then figure out how to narrow it down.

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